R&D Staffing
R&D staff are technical
professionals. Many join a company because it provides an environment in which
they can practice their congenial vocation. They are likely to adhere to
standards of conduct set by their profession rather than by the company. They
may aspire to recognition in their technical field rather than by their company
directors. Industrial scientists can publish in the scientific literature,
appear at conferences and win Nobel prizes. They can also determine the futures
of their companies.
Scientists and engineers are
trained in their technical disciplines but almost never in the management of
their own activities. A good proportion of industrial researchers have a PhD
degree, which implies a research training and a deep if possibly academic
understanding of one narrow field. They usually have no management training at
all and often have an antipathy to management. A few believe that they have
trained brains and therefore their wits alone will suffice. There is some
evidence that commercial orientation among R&D staff is highly conducive to
the success of a company. It is therefore important to involve R&D staff at
an early stage of their development in the operational and management
activities of the company. It is wise to feed them with a diet of real problems
and to take them well into the companys confidence over the business
An element of business training
is also useful. Only a few days study is sufficient to be able to appreciate of
the financial and marketing principles that underly the joint stock enterprise
which isso powerful in bringing science to market and creating our
technological world. The subject of intellectual property provides an example
of the shortfall in the education of R&D staff. Even though their job
includes making inventions, they do not have the least training about how to
secure ownership of inventions. However, general management cannot be smug
about this because their training too neglects patents, copyright and design
R&D staff tend to be fairly
uniform in qualifications but to vary markedly in their R&D ability. A very
small proportion are highly creative and greatly outperform their colleagues in
discoveries or inventions made. For some reason these people often have
personalities that antagonise their less able peers and their managers.
Handling talent provides managements greatest challenge in a
technically-based company.
It is widely asserted that
scientists burn out at a young age. This is a myth, and it is more likely that
they need to be mature before they can advance to work on the most significant
problems. There is a trend for people to start in R&D when young and then
either move out to other functions or move up to an R&D management
function, at which point they cease to be productive. It is very rare for
individuals in R&D to be very well paid, in the way that individual lawyers
or managers can be. For this reason even very good R&D people tend to
become dissatisfied and move towards other work. Some companies provide a dual
ladder career structure that allows the technically able to advance without
assuming management responsibilities, but this is rarely implemented
effectively. One good idea is to say thank you when a good piece of
work has been done. GEC gives gold medals each year to its three or four most
productive R&D people. |