Richard Reeves B u s i n e s s S k i l l s f
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change in R&D
content for their own
R&D departments to work even for direct
competitors |
There is one reservation to be made about what has
been said in this chapter so far, which is that the methods described all apply
to corporate R&D, just at a time when R&D can be seen to be undergoing
fundamental change: much R&D is now being contracted out, and independent
laboratories supply an increasing share of R&D. Surveys show that companies
expect that this trend will continue, and that they will in the future buy-in
most of their new development rather than source it in-house.
Companies are now willing to
outsource even the pacing technology that is intended to give them their
competitive edge. The term virtual R&D has been coined to
describe a situation in which a company has no actual R&D laboratory, but
by placing contracts for development and testing, by collaborating with others
to procure pre-competitive research, and by establishing links with
laboratories carrying out fundamental work, it can procure all the components
of a complete R&D programme. An advantage of contracting out is that the
work can go to wherever the best specialists and facilities are
available. The pharmaceutical industry has for some time recognised that
compliance testing of new drugs is a routine operation that they can contract
out to specialised testing companies. The industry is now going further and
arguing that all stages of the R&D process can be contracted out, even the
initial drug discovery programmes, so long as ownership is secured by
A company can prosper without
carrying out R&D. Marks and Spencer argue that if it developed its own
products then it would have to try to sell to the public whatever it happened
to have developed, whereas it is better to concentrate on its speciality of
understanding customer needs, and then source widely to meet those needs.
R&D is then the concern of their suppliers. Companies around the world
which mine tin or use tin in their products are content to buy technical
information as and when needed from the International Tin Research Institute,
which is sustained by contracts and service provision for a worldwide
Many companies are content for
their own R&D departments to work even for direct competitors, and this is
sometimes a stage towards floating these departments off as independent R&D
companies. |
emerged as credible
R&D contractors |
Independent R&D
A corporate R&D laboratory
needs to convince the parent company that its costs are justifiable, and this
has often been difficult. The independent laboratory is in business on its own
account and has changed objectives. These are to be sure that the client is
satisfied with each contract, and to make a profit on each activity.
Independent laboratories typically sell to a world market, and a key objective
for an independent laboratory is to be the best in the world in its specialist
area. In the case of the water industry, hundreds of water companies worldwide
are likely to have similar problems. When these industries are state-run, their
laboratories tend to work cooperatively. Under privatisation, water companies
tend to appoint technology managers to source new technology and to float off
their laboratories. The independent laboratories each come to specialise in a
narrow part of water technology, such as metering, purification or
Independent laboratories tend
to do a different range of work from corporate laboratories or the government
laboratories from which many have developed. This work includes far less long
term research, and more consultancy, problem solving, information supply,
market research, prototype development and initial manufacture. These
laboratories are often companies limited by guarantee, so they are limited to
organic growth. They sometimes spend their surpluses on supporting their own
basic research in order to maintain their science bases. Some have a membership
scheme whereby subscribing companies have access to their research results, and
to an information service.
A rationale for independent
laboratories is that it is a better deal for a company to take a licence on new
technology than to develop it independently. Some laboratories do set out to
create and own a particular technological capability, and do have a substantial
licence income.
Many independent laboratories
in the UK are members of AIRTO, the Association of Independent Research and
Technology Organisations, P O Box 330, Cambridge CB5 8DU, England. Many
university and government laboratories in the UK have emerged as credible
R&D contractors, able to handle contracts, confidentiality and intellectual
property rights issues. |
in favour of this resource
of free or greatly subsidised research |
The problem of basic
There is widespread complaint
by companies that they are unable nowadays to justify doing long term research.
They do small r, large D and they sometimes claim that the
universities are ceasing to do research as well. Results of fundamental
research may turn out not to be applicable to the company that pays for the
work; benefits may accrue in the far future, beyond present managements
tenure; and results are usually made public and so are available to
competitors. It can take a very long time for a fundamental research finding to
turn into a companys major profit earner. It took Chester Carlson twenty
five years to develop the photocopier. Sir James Blacks research on Beta
blockers took about twenty years to become a major revenue earner for ICI
pharmaceuticals. During such a long time it is easy for management to lose
faith in the project and close it down. After twenty years developing the
vacuum interrupter used in power distribution, General Electric was put off by
the failure of the first marketing attempts, and sold the technology very
cheaply to Mitsubishi, who did very well with it. There is of course the
difficulty of knowing which research projects will be winners and the very real
danger of a long term project being a drain on resources long after its purpose
has become irrelevant.
An argument in favour of a
company employing its own researchers is that this is necessary in order to
have access to the research output of the whole world in the companys
fields of interest. It is argued that research publications and conferences
need to be assessed and interpreted by appropriate scientific specialists in
the same way that a company needs legal specialist to interpret law books and
The UK government supports
large laboratories which carry out basic research and argues that these provide
a science base which supports UK industry. Companies are often in favour of
this resource of free or greatly subsidised research, but there are those who
argue that the benefits are hard to identify and that the research output is
available free to the worlds industries. Kealey [1996] argues that
industry prospers when governments withdraw from supporting
science. |
Technology Foresight
One approach to the problem of
long term research is to try to bring together those generating the research
with those likely to be able to exploit it, before the research is committed or
even formulated. Foresight exercises are carried out within large companies,
within industrial sectors, and on a national scale. Foresight is a systematic
methodology for collating expert views on likely long term technical, economic
and social developments. Benefits are found to arise not just from the view of
the future that results, but from the meeting together of researchers and
research users. Corporate managements give their time to such extramural
exercises in the hope that the information accruing will help their strategy
processes. Governments hope to ensure that the research they fund will be in
areas where they have industrial strengths able to exploit the likely
results. |
References and further
Budworth D 1996. Finance and
innovation, Thomson Business Press.
Cooper R G 1993, Winning at
new products, Addison Wesley.
Cooper R G, Edgett S J and
Kleischmidt E J, 1997. Portfolio Management of New Products, Michael De
Groot School of Business, McMaster University, 128 Main Street W, Hamilton,
Ontario, Canada.
Kealey T 1996. The economic
Laws of scientific research, Macmillan.
McNulty T and Whittington R
1992. Putting the marketing into R&D. Marketing Intelligence and
Planning 10 (9) 10-16.
Newton D P and Pearson A W
1994. Application of option pricing theory to R&D. R&D Management
24(1) 83-90.
Roussel P A, Saad K N
and Erickson T J 1991. Third Generation R&D, Harvard Business School
Press. |
For further
Older books on R&D
Management have been rendered out of date by the developments outlined here,
and there are widely different situations ranging from corporate laboratories
operating securely in the traditional manner through to well established
independent laboratories. One description of the effects of changes in R&D
towards accountability was given by McNulty and Whittington in 1992.