Richard Reeves B u s i n e s s S k i l l s f
o r S c i e n c e a n d T e c h n o l o g y
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R&D has received scant
attention in management teaching and textbooks |
Ideas concerning the
management of research and development have undergone rapid
development in the last few years and several new management methods have come
into use in companies. For eighty years or more R&D activity expanded in
medium and large companies, but it has perhaps now reached saturation level.
Scientists and engineers in companies often pursued research of their own
devising while having only slight awareness of the commercial requirements. At
the same time corporate managers tended to leave R&D to its own devices,
both from a feeling that this was something they did not understand, and
because R&D issues are never so urgent as the problems of production
start-ups and market launches. This was often unwise because the products being
launched determined the futures of the companies, yet were sometimes selected
for development by R&D without due attention by senior management.
Company spending on R&D
varies from 0.1 per cent of turnover to over twenty per cent, with an average
of perhaps four per cent. Despite its importance R&D has received scant
attention in management teaching and textbooks. R&D management almost never
features in business school syllabuses or faculty lists, or in the indexes of
standard management texts. It is however covered in really excellent handbooks
of management. |
difficult but convincing
tools |
New Thinking
Pressure for change has come
from the deep worldwide recession of the early nineties causing companies to
look closely at all classes of expenditure , and also from rather belated
recognition of technology and innovation as competitive elements. It has been
recognised that although competition does indeed take place on the classic
grounds of efficiency, price, promotion and marketing, ownership of a
technology can also give a profound advantage. Mastery of the difficult art of
making silicon chips restricts that business to a few, while legal ownership of
drug formulations enables pharmaceutical companies to make monopoly profits.
Both of these advantages originate in the R&D laboratories of the companies
concerned. Innovation is of course broader than technology development by
R&D, and can occur for example when business advantage is gained simply by
buying -in new technology machinery from outside. Innovation is a concern of
all the company, and the role of R&D in this is best defined simply as that
part of innovation which happens to be done by the people in the R&D
Major contributions to new
thinking about the management of R&D are the concepts of third
generation R&D brought together by the consultancy company Arthur D
Little [Roussel 1991], the Stage-Gate system of managing new product
development [Cooper 1993], portfolio management theory of R&D projects
[Roussel et. al. 1991 and Cooper 1997] and the methodology of technology
foresight. These provide difficult but convincing tools for managing an
activity that has caused much anguish in the past, and they enable constructive
dialogue to take place between R&D and the rest of the company.
risk in return for the
chance of greater reward |
The Nature of R&D
R&D work is intrinsically
risky. Almost by definition R&D tries out new ideas to see how well they
work, seeks information that is as yet unknown, and hopes for ideas as yet
unthought of. This means that success cannot be commanded, and most R&D is
managed in terms of probabilities. The laboratory is gambler territory. It is
useful to contrast R&D with design, where the assumption is that all the
knowledge required exists, and if the design is competent the product will work
(see chapters 38, 44 and 45). Products that are designed tend to be of modest
profitability because the knowledge required is likely to be fairly widely
available. By moving into the unknown, R&D accepts risk in return for the
chance of greater reward. Managers of R&D have to be able to live with a
lot of failure. |
the question of how much
should be spent on R&D has often been debated |
Creating Intellectual
New technology creation is
nowadays usually more important than capital asset creation. The old idea that
a company exists to exploit a capital asset does not so often apply now, as can
be seen by the fact that stock markets now often value companies at far more
than the value of their capital plus assets. Software and biotechnology are
clear examples of fields in which capital assets are trivial and copyrights,
patents and know-how are much more important. A company can more usefully be
viewed as existing to trade in these intellectual assets [Budworth, 1996]. Just
as a traditional company had to make provision for renewing its capital assets
as they wore out, so a modern company must make provision for continuously
renewing its intellectual assets, and R&D often plays the major role in
this. R&D spending depresses current profits, and the question of how much
should be spent on R&D has often been debated. Budworth proposes that to
maintain the current level of turnover in a mature company, the required ratio
of R&D spend to turnover is equal to the ratio of the average expenditure
on R&D per new product to the contribution per new product to revenues for
the particular company. This can be calculated from records of past
performance. |
work . . . by R&D and
the company to develop a common language |
Three Generations of
In the fifties and sixties it
was felt that creativity must not be fettered, and the results of research were
unpredictable, so a fixed percentage of turnover was given to the R&D
department to spend on projects of its own devising. This was first generation
R&D. The problem was that the company could go out of business while
waiting for a new nylon or transistor to emerge. In the seventies and eighties
second generation R&D decreed that no R&D would take place unless there
was a customer in an operating division who was prepared to pay for it. The
problem was that only short-term work was funded, and work which might start a
new division or protect against long-term problems, was not undertaken. In the
early nineties third generation R&D emerged, in which no simple formula is
applied: instead considerable work has to be undertaken by both R&D and the
company to develop a common language which enables them to work together to
consider their best policy for committing work on the companys technical
future. |